The live webinars of the Management Course by Pere Mercader and Miguel Angel Diaz are among the topics most highly rated by students in all the editions held so far.
The online format of the course allows students to access the course at any time of the day and set their own study schedule. This is a huge advantage for professionals who have many clinical and/or administrative-managerial responsibilities during the week.
But from the beginning, VMA was committed to practical and interactive learning, and that is why the Webminars were chosen to be able to be connected with the teachers and other students live, at least once a week.
Pere Mercader and Miguel Ángel Díaz: we want to get away from the classic model of unidirectional and theoretical teaching and we are committed to a more dynamic, practical and bidirectional way of understanding learning.

Live webinars are a very useful tool for speakers to share their knowledge effectively with their students.
VMA Team
Why are our live Webminars so highly rated?
🔸 It allows us to share our knowledge in real time: Whether adding extra content to a module, or reinforcing the more complicated content of one of them, webinars allow us to interact with learners, answer questions, discuss topics of common interest and also open a way to motivate learners to engage with the material and resources in the syllabus.
🔸 Increased participationLive webinars are a more personal way of teaching, which helps us to better connect with your students. With live webinars, we can motivate students to actively participate and keep up with the subject matter.
The Zoom format allows us to "put on a face" and ask questions specifically to a student to see if he/she has internalized the content.
🔸 Offers a more engaging learning experienceThe interactive learning experience allows us to offer students a fully interactive learning experience, which helps them to better retain the information.
🔸 Experience the case study thanks to special guests: In some of our Webminars we are accompanied by a veterinarian, auxiliary, businessman... as a "guest star".

The guest talks about his/her personal experience on a chosen topic, in relation to that week's module. In this way we make sure that everyone understands that what we explain in the course, many veterinarians have already carried out in their clinics and hospitals with great success.
The participation of students on our weekly connections is very high, on many days close to around 90% of those enrolled in the course.

It is undoubtedly a very interesting way to learn, and one that further differentiates our Veterinary Clinic Management Course from other types of management training.
In addition to this, we also have another mode of communication between students and student-teachers, in addition to the live Webminars: the Discussion forums.
In these forums weekly topics are proposed according to the module and the student must go there to leave his opinion and interact with the opinions of his classmates. In this way, interesting threads of opinion appear, which are very enriching for everyone.
Students end up sharing their own experiences in a collaborative environment in people who do not know each other, and who live hundreds or thousands of miles away and who are only united by "veterinary clinic management."
Pere Mercader and Miguel Ángel Díaz